10 March 2011


I always keep a bag of tilapia in my freezer. Why? Because in a pinch, I can throw it in the oven (still frozen) with my favorite seasonings and have a meal in about 15 minutes (minus prep time.) I have a favorite method for doing this, but I know that not everyone in my house is as in love with it as I am so I am always looking for new ways to prepare it. Tonight I found this recipe from About.com and gave it a whirl.

Being that I am who I am, I did not follow this recipe exactly. I sprinkled, of course, but I also did not have any mayo (nor would I ever eat it) so I simply spread spicy brown mustard on the tilapia filets before plunging them into the panko. I still found it to be delightful and a nice change from the ordinary, but Steve wanted meat (rawr) so he had to stop at the store and get pork. Ew.

Additionally, I made roasted potatoes and roasted asparagus (that I got for $1!) I cut the potatoes into chunks, covered them with olive oil and rosemary garlic seasoning, tossed them in a bowl and spread them over a baking sheet. For the asparagus, I just put them on the baking sheet, drizzled them with olive oil and sprinkled salt and pepper over them. They were baked at 400 for at least a half hour, but I cranked it up to 425 about half way through and the potatoes went an additional 10 minutes after that. Tasty.

Tonight was not that exciting, but I always take pleasure from a completed, homemade dinner (even if it's not that great).

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