21 May 2011

Onions and Garlic

What I'm about to share with you may cause you to think I'm a little weird, but I don't care. It is soooooo good. Mmmm....

The other night, I made this combo of onions and garlic for some reason (obviously doesn't matter) and I was reminded of how desperately I enjoy it. Thus, I made it again the next night so I could enjoy its deliciousness.

PhotobucketTo begin, chop up one onion and several cloves of garlic. Duh.

Then, heat up your little sautee pan and add whatever oil you prefer. At this time, I used coconut oil because it's my new BFF. You don't want your pan to become terribly hot, so I'd keep it at medium-low (for me, this is around 4).


I then add my onions and garlic to the pan and sprinkle onion powder and garlic powder on top of them. Did I just blow your mind? I bet you're sitting there thinking, "Why on Earth would I need to do that?" So just trust me for a second. On we go.


Sautee them for a while until the onions start to become translucent or whatever. Then...are you ready?? Sprinkle some Bragg's all over them, about a tablespoon or less. Yeah, that's what I said. Mmmm. Then you stir them up a bit again, make sure you're still in the medium-low range on the stove and cover it.

He's not getting any.

PhotobucketAfter allowing this to chill out for 4 minutes or less, remove the cover and gasp at its beauty! Stir it up and make sure you gather all the crusty goodness that has formed on the bottom.

Here's a close-up so you can see how awesome it is. It isn't burned, just tasty. Ugh I want some right now!


PhotobucketAnywho, for this particular mixture, I put it over some potatoes (the other potatoes have salsa), but this can go with nearly anything. Put it over a steak, sautee in some chicken or some mushrooms, top a rice pilaf or whatever you're in the mood for. This is so tasty you won't regret it! Do you know what you're making for dinner tonight?


  1. Delish! I often say that all of my favorite meals begin with sauteed onions and garlic. It's the base for most anything I cook. I don't ever use them to top things, though. Now you've got me thinking...

  2. Dude I totally start everything with onions and garlic...for real. My mother used to make chicken like this (with these onions and garlic) and I would literally scrape the pan and eat the drippings afterwards. Yes, I'm that cool.

  3. Bragg's? I Googled... is that Apple Cider Vinegar? Does it have any apple-y taste? Cuz ya know... add some chopped tomatoes and you've got some awesome bruchetta!

  4. Well Madam, did you follow the link for "Braggs" that I specifically linked? :) They do sell APV but this is a liquid amino acid protein that is vaguely similar to soy sauce but much better for you.

  5. hahaha, NO! I didn't even notice it was a link until you said that! I blame you. ;-)
    It doesn't stand out (text-wise) from the rest.

  6. OK from now on I will electrify all links. Be prepared.
