28 January 2012

The Gratitude Post

I'm writing a weekly post to express gratitude for everything I have been blessed with in my life. Will you join me in sharing just five things you are grateful for this week?

This week I'm grateful for:

My computer: Now is the time that I really need it and it is coming through for me in leaps and bounds. Sort of. At least it works.

NVC (Nonviolent Communication): I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to go over this book with the Natural Parents Network volunteer team because it brought so many great insights into my life. Now, I'm sharing it with one of my classes and hoping that they, too, can take something positive away from it.

Walking: I love walking to work on the days that I can because I get to exercise and enjoy the fresh air while reminding my body that it has muscles that can move that way. I'm grateful to be living so close that I am able to do this!

Going to bed at 10 p.m.: No, I'm not 90. But I force myself to go to bed earlier than I have in years because I know I'm at my best when I get more sleep, rather than less. I love waking up in the morning and though I might be tired, I can easily recover when I have received at least 7 hours of sleep.

Food: I'm on a "I love food kick" (as if I'm ever not), but these days I'm just so happy to be eating such yummy, good-for-me foods that are readily available. Mmm...food. Am I hungry?


  1. Oh my gosh, if 10 p.m. is a 90 year old bedtime, what can I say about passing out at 7! Of course, the nights one passes out probably are a different category, huh?
    I love your food kick. It can be so tiring to only think about food as an "issue" and forget that it is such a pleasure.
    Oh, and I never did finish that book. I do want to. it's on the list. It's wonderful that you're sharing the information.

    1. Now that I think about it, 90 year old's probably go to bed earlier than 10 p.m. :) If you're passing out I think that is in a totally different category.

      I started the book uh..whenever I started it..and then I didn't finish it until about 3 or 4 months later, so you're not alone! It'll happen eventually and it's worth it!
