25 February 2012

The Gratitude Post

I'm writing a weekly post to express gratitude for everything I have been blessed with in my life. Will you join me in sharing just five things you are grateful for this week?

This week I'm grateful for:

Tea: Heidi and Piper have recently been enjoying the simple pleasure of drinking tea...and dumping out on the table. Nevertheless, I am so pleased to be hounded and badgered until I make some tea for them.

Teaching moments: Just as I have some moments as a parent that take my breath away, I am starting to have some moments like that while I'm teaching. When I can really see someone thinking or learning, because of what I have lead them to, it is amazing.

Adult TV time: No, it isn't what it sounds like. I simply enjoy the opportunity to watch whatever the heck I want to watch on TV at night after H & P go to sleep. MMMM...solitude.

The crock pot!: I made crock pot meals all week! They were awesome and I love the awesomeness of having more than one crock pot.

Finding things that are lost: I've lost the power cord for my Kindle and I'm expressing gratitude for finding it in the future! It holds an awesome vegetarian cookbook that I need in order to make some more awesome meals! Think finders thoughts for me! :)

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