25 February 2012

The Gratitude Post

I'm writing a weekly post to express gratitude for everything I have been blessed with in my life. Will you join me in sharing just five things you are grateful for this week?

This week I'm grateful for:

Tea: Heidi and Piper have recently been enjoying the simple pleasure of drinking tea...and dumping out on the table. Nevertheless, I am so pleased to be hounded and badgered until I make some tea for them.

Teaching moments: Just as I have some moments as a parent that take my breath away, I am starting to have some moments like that while I'm teaching. When I can really see someone thinking or learning, because of what I have lead them to, it is amazing.

Adult TV time: No, it isn't what it sounds like. I simply enjoy the opportunity to watch whatever the heck I want to watch on TV at night after H & P go to sleep. MMMM...solitude.

The crock pot!: I made crock pot meals all week! They were awesome and I love the awesomeness of having more than one crock pot.

Finding things that are lost: I've lost the power cord for my Kindle and I'm expressing gratitude for finding it in the future! It holds an awesome vegetarian cookbook that I need in order to make some more awesome meals! Think finders thoughts for me! :)

18 February 2012

The Gratitude Post

I'm writing a weekly post to express gratitude for everything I have been blessed with in my life. Will you join me in sharing just five things you are grateful for this week?

This week I'm grateful for:

Workshops: My pastor, who is retiring at the end of March, is giving three final workshops at the church and I am fortunate enough to attend one of them. I'm so happy to have known him and been a part of this church for almost a year and I am happy to continue in the new direction we are heading.

Speaking: I've had many opportunities recently to share my thoughts with people who are willing to listen. I relish those opportunities and am grateful for the feedback I receive.

Love: On my fridge, I have a little picture I took out of a newspaper that says "I don't know what to do." and gives four choices: A, B, C or Love. At the bottom, it says "Just keep choosing love." So that's what I'm doing.

Prosperity: I'm feeling it. And I am grateful to the prosperity that is in the works for me (and you!).

Listening: Sometimes, as much as it is important for me to speak the words I need to release, it is also important for me to hear what others are saying. Truly hear it. I am grateful to my ears for doing that job for me.

11 February 2012

The Gratitude Post

I'm writing a weekly post to express gratitude for everything I have been blessed with in my life. Will you join me in sharing just five things you are grateful for this week?

This week I'm grateful for:

Class discussions: Both of my classes seem to be very good at talking out the information I present them and that makes me happy. I love to see students thinking.

Heidi: Heidi is an incredible help *most of the time.* She holds the dustpan for me while I'm sweeping the kitchen floor, picks up items in the way of the vacuum cleaner and gets me things that I need when I ask her. Sometimes, she'll be in a "Leave me alone!" mood, but for the most part she is incredibly agreeable. I love it.

Piper: Piper's intelligence astounds me and I am grateful to be able to watch it develop so much. She, still not 2 years old, knows exactly where my mother lives, knows that a drain serves the purpose of holding water in the sink (when closed) and announces "circle!" when she draws circles repeatedly on paper.

Homeopathic remedies: Both H & P have had runny noses for a while that have developed into some slight congestion and an occasional cough. I'm grateful to have an arsenal of possible natural remedies to turn to before having to turn to "conventional" medicines.

Almost two years without illness!: This is the first time Piper has EVER been sick! And I say sick sort of loosely since she only had a fever once through this runny nose thing, but she does have a semi-chesty cough...maybe I'm just trying to pretend she's not really sick because I wanted to make it to the 2-year mark so badly :) Anyway, she will be two in less than a month and has not been ill yet, so I am grateful to her awesome health.

04 February 2012

The Gratitude Post

I'm writing a weekly post to express gratitude for everything I have been blessed with in my life. Will you join me in sharing just five things you are grateful for this week?

This week I'm grateful for:

Test days: I really enjoy teaching, but I also really enjoy standing at the front of a classroom watching my students take a test while I do nothing. It's nice for a change.

Direct Deposit: A fabulous invention.

Buying groceries: I love going grocery shopping. Did I mention that I love going grocery shopping? It's really the only kind of shopping I like to do and I could do it for hours, depending on the store. Maybe I should be a personal grocery shopper.

Drums: I'm so happy that Steve and I got drums for H & P's first birthdays. Not only do they love playing them at home, but they also got to play them in their first drum circle a few weeks ago and they can't stop talking about it! I look forward to their next drum circle.

Having a voice: Given that I lost my voice for virtually an entire week, I have become far more grateful for it that I have been in a long, long time. Especially since I'm teaching. Yeah...it's sort of necessary. Thank you, voice, for serving me so well.