04 April 2011

Hoffman Memorabila

This is probably one of the most important pieces of paper I have in my possession.

Unfortunately, I do not have a scanner so you cannot appreciate (or read) the cartoon and subsequent typed letter that was given to me, but I will tell you what it says. Know that this letter was given to me from Barbara after I wrote in support of her nomination for the CASE award.

In the Peanuts cartoon, Lucy meets a bug and says, "Hi, Bug! Have a nice spring." Then she meets Charlie Brown and says, "What else can you say to a bug?"

Her typed note (from a typewriter, of course) says:

What do I say to you? "Hi, I need a letter now." Thanks for rising to the occasion as I was hit with this news just before I spoke with you. As you probably know, I am NOT a last moment person, and I am NOT one to promote myself. 
Let's put it this way: what happened with this "I need it now" seems to be the way the world works, and poor you and poor me to get caught in this tangle. 

I would like to take you to lunch during that first week of May. We'll find times & dates. Or you [could] come to my museum and watch a video/dvd & have food sent in. And if you had fellow students help with this project, they are also welcome.

If I never get this award, I am still very very very grateful for what you wrote to give me the boost I'll never have again. 

I feel like a pauper with a tin cup[.]

I am also going to give you a cut on the exam. See me[.]

When tongue-tied, Shakespeare, at a loss, said "Thanks, and thanks, and thanks again"

(And handwritten at the bottom is her name in Japanese, followed by:)
Your letter is my most treasured tribute.
Well, Barbara, your letter is my greatest treasure.

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